Tuesday, 31 December 2013

2014: Year of Tranformation for India

I am Happy that year 2014 has arrived. It has come with lots of promise and hopes. This year can be a trend setter for India as we can expect the U shaped recovery to start happening and that’s one of the reasons we can give a big welcome. Though the macro economic signals are yet to be seen but the stage seems to be set for the transformation to happen. 

Trend Setter 

I would like to thank people of New Delhi and they probably are the ones who have set the process of transformation.  This could have been the first time in my life I see people encountering tough choice of choosing between the Good and the good for governance. One party promising good governance which they have show cased in states they rule and the new party promising a  real inclusive and participatory governance. The choice must have been really tough and people might have not been well prepared and thus the split verdict.
A verdict to either of the party would have been welcome but then the larger message is, this country is ready for transformation and there will be effect to the same at national level in a short period from now. This is the most positive thing that can happen for the country to get back to terms of growth and prosperity.

Indo-Japan Ties

Secondly, the Indo-Japan grand alliance will be a major step forward and this can give the desired shift in scale which the country is longing for the last few years. The combination of Japan’s technological prowess and India’s vast natural resources and skilled manpower, was always viewed as a tempting prospect. Japan is a capital-rich, technology superpower while India has teeming supplies of human capital and the world’s largest labor pool. Japan has the world’s most advanced infrastructure while India’s own requirements for modern transport and urban networks exceed in scale those of any other country. Year 2014 will be critical as the wheel of this alliance will start rolling which is crucial for the countries prospects.

Digital Revolution

Thirdly, the country could become the world’s first truly mobile digital society. But grasping the opportunity requires unprecedented cooperation between the private and public sectors. India has the potential to make a mobile-internet revolution and McKinsey research forecasts that the total number of Internet users will increase more than fivefold, to 450 million, by 2015. Total digital-content consumption will double, to as much as $9.5 billion. Including access charges, revenues from total digital consumption could rise fourfold, to $20 billion— twice the expected growth rate of China.

Youthful India

Lastly, half of India’s population is under 25 and two-thirds is under 36 years of age, and the country’s average age will actually drop over the next three decades. It is just an anomaly that we have lost few years of growth from a long term perspective. With such a huge consumer power it is just a matter of belief and collective efforts from the people of India and we too can achieve what China has done in the last two decades.

We are poised for growth and what we need from the people of the country are

Self Belief and belief on the countries potential
Responsibility to set a right governance model
Embracement of technology for faster growth

Ofcourse one major factor for every individual is to Deliver Value to People and Society and that will breed prosperity to one and all in the country.

Once again A Very happy and Prosperous Year 2014

T  Margabandhu
M/s Marggo India

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