Thursday, 28 November 2013

Tug the Frog from the Boil

Of all the qualities deemed essential to a dynamic corporate culture, none trumps empowerment. Without it, any organization — old or new, large or small, public or private — would be hollow and devoid of creative talent. An empowering culture is what prompts capable people to join a company, nurtures their sense of ownership and motivates them to give their best. Singularly, it shapes the business’s brand, story, character and impact. Because of it, clients become loyal, suppliers get engaged and partners stay on for the long run.

Moreover, a culture that celebrates resourcefulness and promotes agility and flexibility is a must in a world that is constantly changing. It imbues companies with resilience, strength and a sharp competitive edge.                         
Fadi Ghandour, Founder, Aramex

Absolutely inspiring words, from the owner of a successful venture. In fact, the famous HOW report has come with empirical data to support the change in organization culture. Their study and analysis of several companies across 100 0dd countries concludes that organizations with self governance culture grow exponentially, than organizations with top down command based management culture. While self governance leads to growth in geometric progression but the companies with other lesser culture at best grows in arithmetic progression

This culture of empowerment or self governance has been embraced by new generation enterprises with proactive leaders at the helm of affairs. Also organizations which are big in size and which are put into challenges constantly ,slowly move towards inclusive approach, as they realize the importance of the power of collaborative effort s to achieve organization visions.

However, the key challenges are with the majorities which are at the bottom of the pyramid, struggling to grow. The most difficult part, for the change consultants or transformation coach, is to enable leaders or owners realize the power of inclusiveness or empowerment.  Many businesses are struck in the Boiling Frog Syndrome making them to fail, without even realizing they are failing.

The task before the Change Managers is not about bringing change to those who have the intent. The job is done well only when the same can be achieved with those who are not able to understand or appreciate such thought process. The very fact that they perceive themselves to be successful in whatever they are doing makes them be less responsive to changes
The change management process is so skewed on the top, the responsibility of the consulting community  will be to do the balancing act at the bottom to make things even out.

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